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Four Things You Must Do for Twitter Success

Four Things You Must Do for Twitter Success

In today’s world of online marketing, social media is a necessity. Whether you are using social media to drive more traffic, generate more leads, or convert more visitors to purchasers, you need to have a strategy in mind. If you want to succeed on Twitter, you need to do these four things now.

Impress Your Audience

A key component of any Twitter campaign is establishing a strong visible presence. If you want people to follow you, then you need to look the part. That means having a completed profile that includes quality images. Make sure your profile and cover images are clear and express something meaningful about your brand. If your Twitter page doesn’t look good, no one will listen to what you have to say.

Develop a Schedule—And Test It

Twitter is about frequency. With millions of tweets every day, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of noise. That’s why you need to post regularly. Establish a schedule based on the times that generate the most engagement. Find out when your audience is online and hit them at the right times.


Your Twitter campaign needs to be a two-way street. That means you should be responding to Tweets and engaging in conversations with others on Twitter. Listen to your audience and react accordingly. If all you do on Twitter is sign on, Tweet, and sign off, then you won’t generate any new interest in your brand.


A successful Twitter campaign isn’t all about you. It’s about engaging your audience. Only posting about your products or your business won’t generate much interest. Instead, you should make your Tweets as diverse as possible. Post links, videos, pictures, jokes, and industry news in addition to your own promotions and announcements. If you exist only to serve yourself, then that’s all you’ll end up serving.

Social media is a must in today’s marketing world, but it is a waste of time if you aren’t doing it the right way. By creating an interesting voice on Twitter, people will actually want to listen to what you have to say.

If you would like to speak to a social media expert at Net-Craft, please contact us for a social media marketing consultation.