Real-World Page Speed News: What Changes Have Been Made
When it comes to your business website, speed matters. If a potential client is waiting for what seems like hours for your site to respond, they will move on to the next business that does the same thing you do. In the past, you just were concerned with response time on your site for clients. However, it is also an issue for the search engines out there as well. If your site is slower than others, it can affect how you rank in the search engine itself.
One of the most popular tools to use in moderating the speed of your website is the Google PageSpeed insights tool. Lately, it has gotten an update and offers a few new features to assist you in knowing what your real-world speed is on your website. This is critical to not only make sure your customers can use your site in a timely manner, it also helps to make sure you’re ranking higher on Google as you should be. Here are some of the new changes taking effect.
Using Information from Experience Reports
The Insights tool will now pull information from the Chrome User Experience Report to help in judging your site speed. It can also make suggestions for those in the development industry to help increase the speed of the site and help you find out what changes need to be made. The adjustments that have been made to the report and the tool will help you to know what the real-time stats are instead of in a simulated environment.
Suggestions for Optimizing Your Site
This section will allow you to get tips and tricks to make the most of your website. It can assist you finding ways to increase the speed when clients are interacting with your site and find items that may need to be removed that could be hindering the speed.
New Speed Categories
With this latest upgrade, the tool will categorize your site into three labels, Fast, Slow, or Average speed. To be considered a fast site, you must have both the “First Contentful Paint” and your DOM Content loaded in the top 1/3rd of their categories.
Categories In Optimization
Your page can now be listed as low, medium, or good when it comes to the headroom performance your site has.
Stats for Your Page
This is something very useful for developers and site owners. The stats page on this tool can tell you how long it takes for a round-trip to get the resources of your render-blocking loaded. It also compares the total amount of bytes utilized by the page you host and how it compares to others.
Other features of this tool will help you to learn even more about your page and if it is staying in competition with the others of it’s kind. You must remember that not only should your page have valuable content for your clients, it also has to stay in competition with the speed of response. Make sure your site and your mobile website design is up to date and responding properly with these new changes put into place.
If you would like to speak us about increasing your web site speed, please contact-us today.