Mobile App Development Trends for 2020
If you have used a website for your business for a long time you have seen the changes that you have had to go through over the years. When you first started you merely had to have a web page that had your contact information, location, a little information about your business and that was pretty much it. When businesses first moved to the web, there was no eCommerce. People didn’t buy their products from you, they just found your store or office.
As you know, those simple days are long gone. As search engines became more sophisticated, you had to ramp up what you did with your website to ensure that you would not end up on page 12 of the search results. This involved updating your website more frequently so search engines know you are active, among other changes.
If you want to keep your business growing, you have to keep up with the great strides made in technology. Twenty years ago, who thought you would get so much of your business from a mobile phone? Yet mobile sales are steadily increasing and if you do not optimize your site for mobile technology and security or better yet, develop an app, you will have difficulty competing. It may be time to contact a Phoenix mobile app developer.
So What’s New for 2020?
You are probably already set up for mobile technology but what you have to do now is set yourself up for mobile app development. For example, to be able to service the customers or clients you have that access your business from a phone or mobile device, you have already made changes so that your web pages will recognize that the screen size will have to change to accommodate the phone screen as opposed to a laptop screen or even a tablet. In 2020 you will have to do more.
Start with the foldable phone. Samsung has introduced a phone that can unfold to provide you with a larger screen. This guarantees continuity from the smaller to the larger screen. Your mobile app will have to be changed accordingly.
You have probably been on a website that has a Virtual Assistant that you can talk to when you need to solve problems or get answers to common questions. Well, on the mobile end these are referred to as Chatbots. Though at this point there are very few apps out there that have them, but imagine if you were one of the first in your area to offer it.
Apple announced that they will be offering apps for their watches that can be purchased at their own App store. They also won’t require an additional iOS app. These are just a few of the challenges we, one of the top mobile app developers in Phoenix, are happy to help you with.
If you have an idea for an app that you would like to discuss, please contact-us for a free estimate.