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Custom Mobile App Development

Custom Mobile App Development

July 16, 2020

Does your product or service really need a mobile app? And even if you do have an app, how much time and effort do you really need to spend on it? It’s not your company or brand’s primary public face, right? That would be that awesome website you launched. There’s no need for a custom app development company when users can just visit the mobile version of your site. Right?


In 2013 mobile traffic comprised just 16.2% of all traffic. Today mobile users account for well over half of all Internet traffic. In just seven years mobile traffic has more than tripled, and every year it continues to skyrocket. People are also spending more time on their phones than on their laptop or desktop computers. Today, people spend just over two hours a day on conventional computers, while they’re spending almost three hours a day surfing the web on their mobile devices.

Net-Craft Can Help

That’s why you need Net-Craft, a top-rated custom mobile app development company. Today’s Internet eyeballs aren’t coming from desktop and laptop computers, but from cell phones and tablets. People appreciate the convenience and ease of their smaller, more portable devices, and they expect the same from the apps they use. Modern users, especially those who prefer mobile devices, are more savvy than ever. They know the difference between well-designed apps and those churned out for cheap. And if an app doesn’t grab and hold their attention, there are dozens more for them to choose from.

At Net-Craft, our veteran programmers and engineers are all digital natives well-acquainted with the cutthroat world of virtual ecosystems. We know better than anyone how important it is to have a solid mobile presence. That’s why our team is committed to offering you the full spectrum of mobile development services. Our programmers are well-versed in Objective C, Java, Swift, hybrid technologies like React Native, and database programming, whether for Apple (iOS) or Google (Android). We have years of experience optimizing experiences for small screens and limited features. Our dedication and eye for detail ensure that every visitor to your app doesn’t just receive a “lite” experience that’s only a pale imitation of the one that desktop users receive, but that each mobile visitor gets an experience built from the ground up to be enjoyable on a mobile platform. Our goal for every app is to create something that users will return to again and again.

Evolve Your Brand Today

The Internet isn’t slowing down, so why should you? The only way to keep up with rapidly changing trends is by going where the users are. And in today’s fractured Internet, the greatest numbers of users are found on mobile devices. Without a polished, dedicated mobile app your brand will be left in the dust. But with the help of an expert custom mobile app development company, you can keep up with the bleeding edge. That’s why Net-Craft should be your first choice when choosing a mobile developer to showcase you for the widest audience.